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Wealth Creation Insights That Deliver

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Democratizing wealth building 

a seat at the table for every one!

Our vision is to make wealth building a possibility for everyone.

Our mission is to bring Wall Street's sophisticated investment techniques to the Main Street so that big and small individual investors can have a fair shot at growing their savings without risking it all.

We base our investment decisions on proprietary algorithms that have met rigorous back testing requirements. Those strategies that perform the best are chosen for investing our own capital. Only after we are satisfied from several months (at least 6 months) of consistent results, the strategies are shared with our subscribers.

We believe in highest levels of accountability and will never share any strategy where our money is not at risk.

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Available Investment Instruments

Mutual Funds


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How Is Our Money Growing?



SPY: 11.8% 

Robo Advisors: 6.7%

1% AUM fee Advisor: 13.1%

All returns are in ARR (annual rate of return) for the period July 5 2019 - October 7 2020 for our invested capital. The intent is not to disparage anyone's performance

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