Options are generally perceived to be complex, risky and tough to understand. And many who do brave into Options territory, come out bruised and with significant losses.
While Options, like anything else in life, should not be tried without proper learning, training and practice, they are one of the best financial instruments ever discovered for any investor.
Kuber.AI's mission is to take the fear factor away and make Options accessible for everyone.
Our Options strategy focuses on selling puts and is designed to generate significant returns in the form of consistent income stream. We will continue to evaluate how to make other Options strategies available to our subscribers depending on the demand for our Options Income plan and its continued success.
You will need a margin account to be able to trade our Options strategies. You will also need appropriate account balance to be able to trade our puts. Please consult your broker's requirements.
In this plan we maintain a portfolio of 15 - 20 puts that we sell to open. Over the 8 months or so ending in May 2020, we have generated average annualized returns of 60% on the capital deployed for Options (which should not be more than 1/3 of the total value of your investments). During that time, we sold ~160 puts and had only 3 instances when the underlying stock was assigned. On the assigned stocks, we sold calls to generate income until they were called away.
We couldn't be happier and more confident in sharing these strategies with our subscribers. These strategies have successfully endured the massive COVID-19 crash and took advantage of the market rally since March 23 2020 low point.